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Celebrating 20 Years of BSI Corporate Benefits: A Journey of Growth, Culture, and Innovation

Recently, BSI Corporate Benefits marked a significant milestone: two decades of service in the employee benefits industry. Founded by Tony DaRe, BSI’s journey from its inception in Michigan to its current location in South Bethlehem is a testament to dedication, innovation, and the power of a committed team.

A Humble Beginning

Tony DaRe founded BSI Corporate Benefits in 2003 with a mission to advocate for clients on both a human and financial level. During the first few years of running BSI, Tony carried the weight of the firm as the primary employee benefits consultant. After he and his wife Adrienne moved back to Pennsylvania to be closer to family, he knew he couldn’t do it alone. Recognizing the need for a strong team, he brought Kerianne Geist onboard, and together they were able to scale the firm to a level that afforded the business the opportunity to onboard Shawn Hughes and Valerie (Val) Lewis.

Shawn liked what Tony was doing. He not only wanted to move back to the Lehigh Valley, but wanted to make a difference and help grow a company like it was his own. It was clear that in his prior role with another organization, something was missing.

“I just didn’t like their vision– didn’t like the way they did it. They were always about the mighty dollar and profit. But Tony’s vision was, how do we make a difference? How do we make a difference for our clients?” – EVP Client Retention, Shawn Hughes

Shawn’s background working on the carrier side and knowing how to negotiate better deals for clients coupled with Val’s determination to provide a high level of client service, including the addition of an in-house customer service team to resolve issues quickly, became cornerstones of BSI’s growth strategy. Together, they brought invaluable insights, experience and a shared commitment to doing things differently and making a difference in the Lehigh Valley.


A Team Built on Trust and Collaboration

When Tony made the decision to scale the firm he added on key members in time that would prove to take BSI to an unimaginable level from a cultural, service, and financial standpoint. Together, the small but mighty team were determined to establish themselves and do things differently and better than the competition. 

Tony has always been a proponent of bringing people onboard who he claims are better than he is. By focusing on their expertise and working as a team, they eventually earned the trust of a non-profit in the Lehigh Valley, who is still a client today. By putting in the time and energy to build BSI, they not only outworked the competition, but made BSI into the company it is today.

“I jumped in wherever needed, which allowed me to quickly learn about the business and understand the various responsibilities of each team member. This hands-on experience in different roles has been invaluable in my current position as COO, as it enabled me to appreciate and manage the different job responsibilities in the firm and to continue to refine those roles effectively.” – Chief Operating Officer, Valerie Lewis

Today, BSI’s executive team, including Tony DaRe (CEO), Shawn Hughes (EVP of Client Retention), Valerie Lewis (COO), Nick Tranguch (Chief Growth Officer), and Kyle McLemore (Senior Vice President of Operations), have been instrumental in shaping the company’s success. Tony’s vision was clear from the start: to build a company where each team member could thrive and contribute to a shared goal.

“Whatever advice I can give or whatever improvements I think I can make, where we are now, a lot of it is because of the team that you all are and the team that you put together.” – SVP, Operations, Kyle McLemore


Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Change

As anyone who has been tasked with running and building a business knows, it is no easy endeavor. The journey was not without its challenges. The transition from a small firm to a significant player in the employee benefits industry came with its share of hurdles. Tony reflects on the difficulty of scaling the business, describing the early years as a time of immense personal and professional strain. The firm’s ability to navigate these challenges is a testament to the team’s resilience and adaptability.

The COVID-19 pandemic was a pivotal moment for BSI. It forced the executive team to reevaluate their approach and focus on the company’s culture and people. Val, Kyle and the entire exec team played a crucial role in doing the hard work to transform the company into one focused on its people and their overall well-being.

With a revised focus on what employees want, they have been able to embrace flexible work schedules, working from home, and truly putting their trust, another core value, in the people they hired. By putting the right person in the right seat, and looking at the top 1 to 2 big rocks, as defined by the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), they have created a work environment where the team, holding people accountable, and their experience is such a high priority.


A Culture of Excellence and Innovation

BSI’s success is grounded in its core values, which were shaped through a thorough introspective process. By examining the strengths of each team member, they established five core values—humility, trust, balance, being comfortably unique, and compassionately driven that reflect the collective spirit of BSI. These values, combined with the implementation of EOS, guide the company’s operations and interactions, ensuring a workplace where employees feel valued and heard.

The team’s commitment to overcoming challenges and their relentless drive have been crucial to their progress. The executive team’s focus on creating an exceptional work environment has not only attracted top talent but also resulted in low employee turnover and high levels of engagement.


Looking Forward

A lot has transpired during the past 20 years, including achieving some amazing accomplishments. Now in its 21st year, BSI stands as a beacon of success in the employee benefits industry. With a presence in 44 states, a reputation for excellence, and managing $1 Billion in healthcare spend by year’s end, BSI is well-positioned for continued growth. The focus remains on providing clients with a level of service unmatched in the industry through optimizing benefits while reducing costs and creating a work environment that prioritizes employee well-being by fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

The leadership of the exec team and their willingness to work with and support each other has been instrumental in shaping BSI into what it is today. Being open and transparent with each other is how the executive team operates. They each understand that hard conversations need to take place and not everyone is going to agree, but that they have to come to some sort of mutual understanding and resolve any conflicts in order to move forward. 

Tony’s strong belief in surrounding himself with talented individuals and trusting them to do their job has been a key factor in the company’s success. As Tony reflects on the journey, he acknowledges the invaluable contributions of his team and continuously expresses gratitude for their dedication and support.

“You guys have been my ride or die for a long period of time. And you are really good human beings. You have consistently made me a better human being. And I will forever be thankful for you guys for what you have done for certainly this firm, but me on a personal level. And I can never thank you guys enough.” – CEO, Tony DaRe

In celebrating 20 years of BSI Corporate Benefits, we not only honor the company’s past achievements but also look forward to the future with excitement and optimism. With the recent relocation to the Victory Firehouse in South Bethlehem in September 2023, the new headquarters proudly features a hand-painted mural of Tony’s great grandfather, a nod to the company’s rich heritage in the Lehigh Valley and connection to Bethlehem Steel. The journey has been marked by growth, resilience, and a steadfast commitment to doing things differently and better. Here’s to the next chapter of BSI’s story—one that promises continued innovation, exceptional service, and a strong focus on people.

“At the end of the day, we’re just in a really good place right now. I look at opportunity and…where we’re going and really have to trust our people because, again, like Tony said, what got us here isn’t going to get us there. And the people we have at BSI right now are just off the charts good.” – CGO, Nick Tranguch

Want to hear more about BSI’s growth? Listen to episode 11 of Stretching on Tuesdays podcast here.

Learn more about BSI Corporate Benefits here.

how can we help you?

Contact us at the BSI office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

BSI has proven, time and time again, they stand behind every word they say to you and you are guaranteed to get the best possible options for employees and to also experience better quality services along with significant savings to the agency and/or business.

Anita Jo Paukovits,
Executive Director, Children's Home of Easton